Website Manager

Indy Clutch Baseball

Logo Trademark

INDY CLUTCH BASEBALL LLC logos Acceptable Use Rights

The Indy Clutch Baseball, LLC Organization has trademarked the Indy Clutch Logos and Service Marks.  Any use of the IC logo, the phrases of Indy Clutch, Clutch Baseball and Clutch Softball without the express written consent of Indy Clutch Baseball, LLC and Steven Russell, President of Indy Clutch Baseball, LLC is strictly prohibited.

Any modifications of the IC Logo are prohibited. 

Please contact Steven Russell at [email protected] for the official color pantone, sizes, rules, etc. governing the use of the Indy Clutch Logo, and the phrases of Indy Clutch, Clutch Baseball and Clutch Softball  



5105 Marble Ct 
Indianapolis, Indiana 46237

Phone: 317-430-0174
Email: [email protected]